




  • 5–10% 甜菊糖 (250–300倍蔗糖甜度)
  • 2–4% rebaudioside A — most sweet (350–450倍蔗糖甜度,但同时也是最苦的 )
  • 1–2% rebaudioside C
  • ½–1% dulcoside A.
有人认为,其中也存在微量的 Rebaudioside B, D, and E,但也有人怀疑是提纯不够导致.[3] 产生大部分甜味的,主要是其中的甜菊糖以及rebaudioside。它们的首次合成是两个法国科学家完成的, Bridel 和Lavielle (1931).[4]



日本以及歐美研究顯示,甜菊糖無毒副作用,無致癌物,食用安全,經常食用可預防高血壓、糖尿病、肥胖症、心臟病、齲齒等病症。甜菊糖對糖糖尿病、高血壓有一定的療效,對肥胖病、心血管疾病、胃炎、口腔疾病、胃酸過多等亦有一定的輔助治療作用[5][6]。 甜菊糖已經獲得多數先進國家的批准,例如日本、美國、澳洲、紐西蘭、中國、臺灣、韓國和香港等。同時,有不少的主要地區,例如歐洲,其政府組織歐洲食品安 全管理局(European Food Safety Authority)也已經確認甜菊糖之安全性,正在加快修例,批准甜菊糖在日常食品中使用。 [7] [8]


1994年,在所有研究都証實甜菊糖的好處而未找到它的害處的情況下,FDA因為未有充份証據証實甜菊糖可以安全食用,而且接到某公司的舉報,投訴 天然草本茶未經許可就使用了甜菊糖草,但FDA拒絕透露舉報公司的名字(部分人士認為是某大代糖公司)。而禁止使用甜菊糖,並稱之為「不安全的食品添加 劑」。不過,美國FDA今年[何时?]已經將甜菊糖定為GRAS(Generally Recognized As Safe,廣泛地被認為安全),即是已經滿足食品中的最高規格,可以隨意食用及添加。在美國,不少跨國品牌已經推出甜菊為基礎的飲料、食品,成爲繼日本以後甜菊使用第二大國。
甜菊糖提煉物致癌一說[9], 世界衛生組織報告 (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives Report )以及歐洲食品安全中心(European Food Safety Authority)已經明確指出,該提出懷疑的報告中測試的物質内容不詳,並認定並非正常甜菊糖含有的物質。在多年反覆的實驗中,研究人員將正常甜菊糖 使用量加大至500至1,000倍,也從沒有獲得一個對健康有負面影響的結果。換言之,該研究報告被確定沒有任何根據或重要性,致癌一說完全沒有任何科學 根據[10] [11] [12] [13]



日本是世界上最先發展甜菊技術的國家。早於1971年,日本守田化工化學工業株式會社,最早發展甜菊糖市場,研究出最接近蔗糖口味的專利品種,並在日本飲品、食品市場廣泛使用。 經過40年的發展,在日本逐步取締傳統糖及人工代糖,至今甜菊糖佔日本本土原料糖市場大概40%[14] ,其安全性及忍受性已備受肯定。

甜菊叶(学名:Stevia rebaudiana )属于小菊科植物,原产于中国广东。甜菊是一般人所熟悉的甘味料,也是南美洲巴拉圭与巴西交界处常见的多年生草本植物,甜菊的叶子含有名叫“甜菊素”的甜味物质,精制的甜菊素是无色无臭的结晶,其甜度为砂糖的200倍。由于热量低、易溶于水或酒精,也具耐热性,可谓无热量之代糖产品,是糖尿病患者的饮食或瘦身食品常用的甘味料。性味与归经:甘,凉。含有低热量、高甜度甜味成分甜菊糖。甜菊糖作为一种新型甜味剂,可以广泛应用于各类食品、饮料、医药、日化工业。


学 名:Stevia rebaudiana
英 文 名:Stevia Rebaudiana Leaves 科 名:菊科植物
原 产 地:南美洲巴拉圭与巴西交界


[1]  甜菊叶属于小菊科植物,原产于中国广东。甜菊是一般人所熟悉的甘味料,也是南美洲巴拉圭与巴西交界处常见的多年生草本植物,甜菊的叶子含有名叫“甜菊素” 的甜味物质,精制的甜菊素是无色无味的结晶,有砂糖200倍的甜味。由于热量低、易溶于水或酒精,也具耐热性,可谓无热量之代糖产品,是糖尿病患者的饮食 或瘦身食品常用的甘味料。
甜菊叶是什么?甜菊叶是糖尿病患者的饮食或瘦身食品常用的甘味料,甜菊叶内含的甜菊素,正是拿来当作花草茶甘味料的 最佳选择,甜度约一般蔗糖的200倍,极低卡路里,易溶于水,也具耐热性,不会增加身体的热量及糖分的负担。经常饮用甜菊茶可消除疲劳,降低血糖浓度单独 冲泡的甜菊茶只有甜味,疲倦或希望茶里面有甜味时,可以混合其它花草冲泡饮用。










甜菊是一般人所熟悉的甘味料,也是南美洲巴拉圭与巴西交界处常见的多年生草本植物,甜菊的叶子含有名叫“甜菊素”的甜味物质,精制的甜菊素是无色无味的结晶,有砂糖200倍的甜味。由于热量低、易溶于水或酒精,也具耐热性,可谓无热量之代糖产品,是糖尿病患者的饮食或瘦身食品常用的甘味料。甜菊在巴拉圭称为“卡黑”(古拉尼族语,意思是“甜草”),用来增添马黛茶等的甜味。性味与归经:甘,凉。含有低热量、高甜度甜味成分甜菊糖,主要有甜菊苷、甜菊A3苷,其甜度与蔗糖相比,前者高300倍,后者高450倍,无毒性和不良反应。人工培植甜菊叶最早在1964年,目前全世界有20多个国家种植甜菊叶以供日益增长的市场需求。如果您坚持天然原味的花草茶,甜菊叶内含的甜菊素, 正是拿来当作花草茶甘味料的最佳选择,甜度约一般蔗糖的200倍,极低卡路里,易溶于水,也具耐热性,不会增加身体的热量及糖分的负担。经常饮用甜菊茶可 消除疲劳,降低血糖浓度单独冲泡的甜菊茶只有甜味,疲倦或希望茶里面有甜味时,可以混合其它花草冲泡饮用。养阴生津,用于胃阴不足,口干口渴,亦用于原发性高血压、糖尿病、肥胖病和应限制食糖的病人。临床观察有一定降低压作用,并可降低血糖。帮助消化,促进胰腺和脾胃功能;滋养肝脏,养精提神;调整血糖,减肥养颜,符合现代人追求低卡路里、无糖、无碳水化合物、无脂肪的健康生活方式,对身体过重者及糖尿病人更是至宝甜菊素在全球20多个国家已正式作为安全代糖,在美国被FDA核准为“保健食品”(1994年);在澳大利亚被列为“治疗用品(ARTG)”(1999年);在日本和韩国30年前即被正式列为桌上代糖;在中国,甜菊素被核准为“食品添加剂”。


⑤淹制品类。用甜菊淹制如萝卜等酱菜以及榨菜,保鲜期长,清腌味美,不腐烂 ⑥水产品。加入甜菊糖可防止水产品蛋白质腐败变质,在改善水产品风味的同时还降低成本。如各种鱼罐头、海带等。

甜菊糖 - 甜菊糖苷的特性

(一) 特性

⒈  纯度80%以上的甜菊糖苷为白色至浅黄色结晶或粉末,吸湿性不大。
⒉  易溶于水、乙醇,与蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖等混合使用时,不仅甜菊糖苷甜味更纯正,且甜度可起到协同增效效果。甜菊糖苷耐热耐光,在pH值3~10范围内十分稳定,易存放。
 甜 菊糖苷甜味纯正,清凉绵长,味感近似白糖、甜度约为蔗糖的150~300倍。其中提纯的莱鲍迪甙A糖的甜度约为蔗糖的450倍,味感更佳。甜菊糖苷的溶解 温度与甜度味感的关系很大。一般低温溶解甜度高;高温溶解后味感好但甜度低。它与柠檬酸、苹果酸、酒石酸、乳酸,氨基酸等使用时,对甜菊糖苷的后味有消杀 作用,故与上述物质混合使用可起到矫味作用,提高甜菊糖苷甜味质量。

(二) 优点

1. 安全性高。甜菊糖苷原产地(南美巴拉圭、马西等地)的居民食用已有几百年历史,至今未发现有任何毒害。
6.稳定性 ,在通常的食品饮料加工条件下,甜菊糖苷的性质是相当稳定的,有利于降低粘稠度,抑制细菌生长,延长产品保质期。

甜菊糖 - 甜菊糖苷的应用

  蔗糖是以果糖和葡萄糖为主要成分的双糖,既是营养源又是热能供应者。而甜菊糖苷具有高甜度低热值。研究表明,甜 菊糖苷不会影响血糖水平或干扰胰岛素,同时不含任何卡路里,可以给糖尿病人在预算总摄入热量方面提供更多灵活选择,并有助于控制体重。日常摄入甜菊糖苷, 对(血糖指数)GI没有影响。国内外药理实验证明,甜菊糖苷为非致癌性食品,无毒、无副作用。经急性、亚急性以及慢畜性试验,均未发现什么问题。原产地居 民食用数百年,至今未发现任何毒害。物理化学性稳定,无发酵性,因此比蔗糖制品可延长保质期。甜菊糖苷甜度高,且持续时间长,无褐变,极利于保持饮料、食 品的本色。

甜菊糖 - 甜菊糖苷应用产品开发

  用甜菊腌制如萝卜等酱菜以及榨菜,保鲜期长,清腌味美,不腐烂。 水产品:加入甜菊糖苷可防止水产品蛋白质腐败变质,在改善水产品风味的同时还降低成本。如各种鱼罐头、海带等。

甜菊糖 - 应用实例

⑴ 大型饮料厂
   选择适当水温溶解甜菊糖苷。在正常情况下,在饮料中使用甜菊糖,低温比高温甜味纯正、甜度高,因此应尽量在低温下进行配料,但温度过低又不利于甜菊糖苷 溶解,因此应选用适宜温度为好。经多年实践证明,对白色、易溶解、后味小的甜菊糖苷可用常温水浸泡,自行溶解。对有异味,溶解度稍差的甜菊糖苷可用 60-7O℃温度浸泡,使其自行溶解,但不管哪种溶解方法,加水后都不要立即搅拌,以防成团糊状,待大部分溶解后,再进行搅拌。
⑵ 各酒类生产企业的普遍重视
   在酒中的应用:取代糖精等化学合成甜味剂:卫生部规定,糖精用于配制酒最多使用量不得超过0.15/kg,其他化学合成甜味剂必须按规定限量使用,而甜 菊糖苷为不会限量使用的甜味剂之一,加工生产中可根据实际需求添加。同时,化学合成甜味剂存在着苦味问题。因此,可利用天然甜味剂甜菊糖苷取代糖精用于各 种酒的调味,以改善因使用糖精带来的苦味。
参 考用量及应用:由于酒类的理化指标要求较严,通过多家酒类生产企业实验证实及国外报道显示,适用量为0.01-0.05g/kg,甜菊糖苷取代蔗糖的最佳 替换率为10%-40%,这样可使酒类增醇,清除辛辣味,提高风味,降低粘度,口感清爽的作用更加显著。同时如果按需求在啤酒中适当添加甜菊糖苷,可使啤 酒的泡沫更加丰富,洁白持久。

甜菊糖 - 注意事项

甜菊糖苷作为一种新型天然甜味剂已经受到人们的青睐,并被推广应用。但由于甜菊糖苷是一种新型甜味剂,人们对它的使用方法还没完全掌握,使用起 来还做不到得心应手。为了加快甜菊糖苷推广速度,使人们更加了解甜菊糖苷、认识甜菊糖苷,从而使用甜菊糖苷,现将应用甜菊糖苷的几点体会介绍给用户,供使 用时参考。
  1.在 GB8270-1999中规定了甜菊糖苷的干燥要求,为了保证出厂后的甜菊糖苷含 水量不增加,也就是为了防止甜菊糖苷吸潮,应将甜菊糖苷存放于阴凉干燥处;为了防止甜菊糖苷受污染,保证其安全性,要与有毒副作用物品及化学物品隔离存 放;内包装现用现拆,用不完的应封好贮存,避免吸潮。
  6.在 GB8270-l999标准中规定了甜菊糖苷含甙量和甜度倍数,在实际使用时,必须知道甜菊糖苷甜度倍数(甜菊糖苷与蔗糖的甜度倍数比),这就要求使用者要学会测量甜菊糖苷甜度倍数的方法,现介绍一种简易测量法:
   取蔗糖2克加水至100毫升,配成2%溶液,然后分别称取2000/200mg、2000/220mg、2000/240mg、2000/250mg、 2000/300mg。甜菊糖苷分别加水至100毫升,待溶解后品尝甜味,若某一甜度与2%蔗糖溶液甜度相近时,其分母即为甜菊糖苷对蔗糖的甜度倍数。

Stevia (/ˈstvɪə/, /ˈstvjə/ or /ˈstɛvɪə/)[1][2][3][4] is a genus of about 240 species of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family (Asteraceae), native to subtropical and tropical regions from western North America to South America. The species Stevia rebaudiana, commonly known as sweetleaf, sweet leaf, sugarleaf, or simply stevia, is widely grown for its sweet leaves. As a sweetener and sugar substitute, stevia's taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar, although some of its extracts may have a bitter or licorice-like aftertaste at high concentrations.
With its steviol glycoside extracts having up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar,[5] stevia has garnered attention with the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate, low-sugar food alternatives. Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets.
The availability of stevia varies from country to country. In a few countries, it has been available as a sweetener for decades or centuries; for example, stevia has been widely used for decades as a sweetener in Japan. In some countries, health concerns and political controversies have limited its availability; for example, the United States banned stevia in the early 1990s unless labeled as a dietary supplement,[6][7] but in 2008 it approved rebaudioside A extract as a food additive. Over the years, the number of countries in which stevia is available as a sweetener has been increasing. In 2011, stevia was approved for use in the EU starting in early December, 2011.[8][9]


History and use

The genus Stevia consists of 240[10] species of plants native to South America, Central America, and Mexico, with several species found as far north as Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.[11] They were first researched by Spanish botanist and physician Petrus Jacobus Stevus (Pedro Jaime Esteve 1500–1556),[12] from whose surname originates the Latinized word stevia.[13] Human use of the sweet species S. rebaudiana originated in South America. The leaves of the stevia plant have 30–45 times the sweetness of sucrose (ordinary table sugar).[14] The leaves can be eaten fresh, or put in teas and foods.
The plant was used extensively by the Guarani people for more than 1,500 years, and the plant has a long history of medicinal use in Paraguay and Brazil.[15] The leaves have been traditionally used for hundreds of years in Paraguay and Brazil to sweeten local teas, medicines and as a "sweet treat".[15]
Steviol is the basic building block of stevia's sweet glycosides.
In 1899, the Swiss botanist Moisés Santiago Bertoni, during his research in eastern Paraguay, first described the plant and the sweet taste in detail.[16] Only limited research was conducted on the topic until, in 1931, two French chemists isolated the glycosides that give stevia its sweet taste.[17] These compounds, stevioside and rebaudioside, are 250–300 times as sweet as sucrose, heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable.[5]
The exact structure of the aglycone and the glycoside were published in 1955.
In the early 1970s, sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin were suspected carcinogens. As a result, Japan began cultivating stevia as an alternative. The plant's leaves, the aqueous extract of the leaves, and purified steviosides were developed as sweeteners. The first commercial stevia sweetener in Japan was produced by the Japanese firm Morita Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 1971.[18] The Japanese have been using stevia in food products, soft drinks (including Coca Cola),[19] and for table use. Japan currently consumes more stevia than any other country, with stevia accounting for 40% of the sweetener market.[20]
Today, stevia is cultivated and used in food elsewhere in East Asia including in China (since 1984), Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia. It can also be found in Saint Kitts and Nevis, in parts of South America (Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay), and in Israel. China is the world's largest exporter of stevioside.[20]
Stevia species are found in the wild in semiarid habitats ranging from grassland to mountain terrain. They do produce seeds, but only a small percentage of them germinate. Planting cloned stevia is a more effective method of reproduction.[citation needed]

Folk medicine and research

For centuries, the Guaraní peoples of Paraguay used stevia, which they called ka'a he'ê ("sweet herb"), as a sweetener in yerba mate and cardiotonic medicinal teas.[21] Current research has evaluated its effects on obesity[22] and hypertension.[23][24] Stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, and may even enhance glucose tolerance;[25] it may be useful as a natural sweetener for diabetics and others on carbohydrate-controlled diets.[26]


Gluten-free diet

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A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes foods containing gluten. Gluten is a protein complex found in wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye and triticale. Corn and rice also contain gluten, but are considered gluten-free, as the gluten in these species do not cause celiac disease[citation needed]. A gluten-free diet is the only medically accepted treatment for celiac disease,[1] the related condition dermatitis herpetiformis,[2] and wheat allergy,[1] but not gluten allergy.
Gluten-free diets have greatly risen in popularity and has been accused of being a fad diet. Perhaps due to breeding wheat with higher protein,[3] there appears to be an increasing incidence of celiac disease, with one study which looked for antibodies from 1950s American blood samples finding that celiac disease is about four times as common as it was.[3] Celiac disease was underdiagnosed in the United States.[3] In addition, recent studies show that people without celiac disease may be affected by gluten, which is referred to as gluten sensitivity.[4] However, for those without celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the diet is unnecessary,[5][6]
A gluten-free diet might also exclude oats. Medical practitioners are divided on whether oats are acceptable to celiac disease sufferers[7] or whether they become cross-contaminated in milling facilities by other grains.[8] Oats may also be contaminated when grown in rotation with wheat when wheat seeds from the previous harvest sprout up the next season in the oat field and are harvested along with the oats.
The term gluten-free generally is used to indicate a supposedly harmless level of gluten rather than a complete absence.[9] The exact level at which gluten is harmless for people with celiac disease is uncertain and controversial. A 2008 systematic review tentatively concluded that consumption of less than 10 mg of gluten per day for celiac disease patients is unlikely to cause histological abnormalities, although it noted that few reliable studies had been conducted.[9]
Regulation of the label, gluten-free, varies widely by country. In the United States, the FDA issued proposed regulations in 2007 limiting the use of "gluten-free" in food products to those with less than 20 parts per million of gluten.[10][11] The current international Codex Alimentarius standard allows for 20 parts per million of gluten in so-called "gluten-free" foods.[12] There is at least one website with a table containing information on "gluten-free" food manufacturers and the gluten-parts-per-million levels to which each of those manufacturers tests.[13]


Gluten-free food

Gluten-free food is normally seen as a diet for celiac disease, but people with a gluten allergy (an unrelated disease) should also avoid all other grains.
Quinoa is a grain that is gluten-free
Several grains and starch sources are considered acceptable for a gluten-free diet. The most frequently used are corn, potatoes, rice, and tapioca (derived from cassava). Other grains and starch sources generally considered suitable for gluten-free diets include amaranth, arrowroot, millet, montina, lupin, quinoa, sorghum (jowar), taro, teff, chia seed, and yam. Sometimes various types of bean, soybean, and nut flours are used in gluten-free products to add protein and dietary fiber.
Almond flour has a low glycemic index, and is a low-carbohydrate alternative to wheat flour. In spite of its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat. Pure buckwheat is considered acceptable for a gluten-free diet, however, many commercial buckwheat products are mixtures of wheat and buckwheat flours, and thus, not gluten-free. Gram flour, derived from chickpeas, also is gluten-free (this is not the same as Graham flour made from wheat).
Gluten may be used in foods in some unexpected ways, for example it may be added as a stabilizing agent or thickener in products such as ice-cream and ketchup.[14][15]
People wishing to follow a completely gluten-free diet must take into consideration the ingredients of any over-the-counter or prescription medications and vitamins. Also, cosmetics such as lipstick, lip balms, and lip gloss may contain gluten and need to be investigated before use. Glues used on envelopes may also contain gluten.
Most products manufactured for Passover are gluten-free. Exceptions are foods that list matzah as an ingredient, usually in the form of cake meal.[16]

Cross-contamination issues

A gluten-free diet allows for fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and many dairy products. The diet allows rice, corn, soy, potato, tapioca, beans, sorghum, quinoa, millet, pure buckwheat, arrowroot, amaranth, teff, Montina, and nut flours and the diet prohibits the ingestion of wheat, barley, rye, and related components, including triticale, durum, graham, kamut, semolina, spelt, malt, malt flavouring, or malt vinegar.[17]
In the United States, the FDA considers foods containing less than or equal to 20 ppm to be gluten-free,[18] but there is no regulation or law in the U.S. for labeling foods as 'gluten-free'. The finding of a current study indicates that some inherently gluten-free grains, seed, and flours not labeled gluten-free are contaminated with gluten. The consumption of these products can lead to inadvertent gluten intake.[19] The use of highly sensitive assays is mandatory to certify gluten-free food products. The European Union, World Health Organization, and Codex Alimentarius require reliable measurement of the wheat prolamins, gliadins rather than all-wheat proteins.[20]
There still is no general agreement on the analytical method used to measure gluten in ingredients and food products.[21] The official limits described in the Codex Draft are 20 ppm for foodstuffs that are considered naturally gluten-free and 200 ppm for foodstuffs rendered gluten-free.[22] The ELISA method was designed to detect w-gliadins, but it suffered from the setback that it lacked sensitivity for barley prolamins.[23]
Restaurants with gluten-free menus obviously recognize the importance of providing such a service, but those who are gluten-sensitive always must aware that the variety of procedures used in kitchens and grills may allow cross contamination to occur. This especially is the case in buffets where utensils typically are used in different food bowls by customers.

Cross-contamination problems

A growing body of evidence suggests that a majority of people with celiac disease and following a gluten-free diet can safely consume pure oats in moderate amounts. Studies have indicated, however, that the commercial oat supply in Canada and other countries is contaminated with other grains.[24]
Special care is necessary when checking product ingredient lists since gluten comes in many forms: vegetable proteins and starch, modified food starch (when derived from wheat instead of maize), malt flavoring, including maltodextrine, dextrine, unless specifically labeled as corn malt. Many ingredients contain wheat or barley derivatives. Dextrose is considered gluten-free, however, since it is highly modified, no matter what the source.[25]

Controversy over oats

Oat grains in their husks
The suitability of oats in the gluten-free diet is still somewhat controversial. Some research suggests that oats in themselves are gluten-free, but that they are virtually always contaminated by other grains during distribution or processing. Recent research,[26] however, indicated that a protein naturally found in oats (avenin) possessed peptide sequences closely resembling wheat gluten and caused mucosal inflammation in significant numbers of celiac disease sufferers. Some examination results show that even oats that are not contaminated with wheat particles are nonetheless dangerous, while not very harmful to the majority. Such oats are generally considered risky for children with celiac disease to eat, but two studies show that they are completely safe for adults with celiac disease to eat.
People who merely are "gluten-sensitive" may be able to eat oats without adverse effect,[27] even over a period of five years.[28] Given this conflicting information, excluding oats appears to be the only risk-free practice for celiac disease sufferers of all ages,[29] however, medically approved guidelines exist for those with celiac disease who do wish to introduce oats into their diet.[30]
Unless manufactured in a dedicated facility and under gluten-free practices, all cereal grains, including oats, may be cross-contaminated with gluten. Grains become contaminated with gluten by sharing the same farm, truck, mill, or bagging facility as wheat and other gluten-containing grains.

Accuracy of "gluten-free" labels

Sausages may contain gluten via fillers or binders such as Butcher's Rusk
Standards for "gluten-free" labelling have been set up by the "Codex Alimentarius"; however, these regulations do not apply to "foods which in their normal form do not contain gluten".[31]
The legal definition of the phrase "gluten-free" varies from country to country. Current research suggests that for persons with celiac disease the maximum safe level of gluten in a finished product is probably less than 0.02% (200 parts per million) and possibly as little as 0.002% (20 parts per million).[citation needed]
Australian standards reserve the "gluten-free" label for foods with less than 5 parts per million of gluten, as this is the smallest amount currently detectable. In the processing of gluten-containing grains, gluten is removed (shown in the processing flow below)
Wheat Flour (80,000ppm) > Wheat Starch (200ppm) > Dextrin > Maltodextrin > Glucose Syrup (<5ppm) > Dextrose > Caramel Color
Since ordinary wheat flour contains approximately 12% gluten,[32] even a tiny amount of wheat flour can cross-contaminate a gluten-free product, therefore, considerable care must be taken to prevent cross-contamination in both commercial and home food preparation.
A gluten-free diet rules out all ordinary breads, pastas, and many convenience foods; it also excludes gravies, custards, soups, and sauces thickened with wheat, rye, barley, or other gluten-containing flour. Many countries do not require labeling of gluten containing products, but in several countries (especially Australia and the European Union) new product labeling standards are enforcing the labeling of gluten-containing ingredients. Various gluten-free bakery and pasta products are available from specialty retailers.
In the United States, gluten may not be listed on the labels of certain foods because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has classified gluten as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).[33] Requirements for proper labeling are being formulated by the USDA. It is currently up to the manufacturers of "gluten-free" food items to guarantee such a claim. "A final rule that defines the term gluten-free and identifies the criteria that would enable the food industry to use that term" was scheduled to be released by the FDA on August 2, 2008.[34] This final rule has not yet come to fruition. For now, many individuals who must eat gluten-free diets use sources online to search the gluten-free content of products.
Many so-called gluten-free products, such as chicken bouillon, corn cereal, and caramel ice cream topping, have been found to have been contaminated with gluten.[35] For example, in an investigation reported by the Chicago Tribune on November 21, 2008, Wellshire Farms chicken nuggets labeled "gluten-free" were purchased from a Whole Foods Market and samples were sent to a food allergy laboratory at the University of Nebraska.[36] Results of the testing indicated gluten was present in levels exceeding 2,000 ppm. After the article was published, the products continued to be sold. After receiving customer inquiries, however, more than a month later, the Whole Foods Market removed the product from their shelves. Wellshire Farms has since replaced the batter used in their chicken nuggets.[37]
In the United Kingdom, only cereals currently need to be labeled regarding gluten, while other products are voluntary.[38] For example, most British sausages contain Butcher's Rusk, a grain-derived food additive.[39] Furthermore, while UK companies selling food prepared on their own premises are given guidance by the Food Standards Agency, they are not required to meet any labeling requirements.[40]
Lastly, some non-foodstuffs such as medications and vitamin supplements, especially those in tablet form, may contain gluten as an excipient or binding agent.[41][42] People with gluten intolerances may therefore require specialist compounding of their medication.[32]

Alcoholic beverages

Several celiac disease groups report that according to the American Dietetic Association's "Manual of Clinical Dietetics",[43][44] many types of alcoholic beverages are considered gluten-free, provided no colourings or other additives have been added as these ingredients may contain gluten. Although most forms of whiskey are distilled from a mash that includes grains that contain gluten, distillation removes any proteins present in the mash, including gluten. Although up to 49% of the mash for Bourbon and up to 20% of the mash for corn whiskey may be made up of wheat, or rye, all-corn Bourbons and corn whiskeys do exist, and are generally labeled as such. Spirits made without any grain such as brandy, wine, mead, cider, sherry, port, rum, tequila, and vermouth generally do not contain gluten, although some vineyards use a flour paste to caulk the oak barrels in which wine is aged,[45] and other vineyards use gluten as a clarifying agent (though it is unclear whether gluten remains at the end of the clarification process).[46][47] Therefore, some celiac disease patients may wish to exercise caution. Liqueurs and pre-mixed drinks should be examined carefully for gluten-derived ingredients.
People diagnosed with celiac disease may experience symptoms when drinking distilled alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is advised that a person with celiac disease check with a manufacturer about the ingredients that have been used in a hard liquor, and to proceed with caution if choosing to drink a liquor that is made with wheat, barley, oats, or rye.[citation needed]
Almost all beers are brewed with malted barley or wheat and will contain gluten. Sorghum and buckwheat-based gluten-free beers are available, but remain a niche market. Some low-gluten beers are also available, however, there is disagreement over the use of gluten products in brewed beverages: Some brewers argue that the proteins from such grains as barley or wheat are converted into amino acids during the brewing process and are therefore gluten-free;[48] however, there is evidence that this claim is false.[49]

Gluten-free bread

Bread, which is a staple in most diets, typically is made from grains such as wheat, that contain gluten. Wheat gluten contributes to the elasticity of dough and is thus an important component of bread. Gluten-free bread is made with ground flours from a variety of materials such as almonds, rice (rice bread), sorghum (sorghum bread), corn (cornbread), or legumes such as beans (bean bread), but since these flours lack gluten it can be difficult for them to retain their shape as they rise and they may be less "fluffy". Additives such as xanthum gum, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), corn starch, or eggs are used to compensate for the lack of gluten.[50]

Popular diets and syndromes

Gluten-free diets (for reasons other than celiac disease) have become a popular trend. Many are adopting gluten-free diets to treat celiac disease-like symptoms in the absence of a positive test for celiac disease, though there is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of this.[51] There are a wide variety of names which have been used in medical literature for gluten-related disorders which are different from celiac disease. Some of them are confusing and ambiguous. "Non-celiac gluten sensitivity" or "non-coeliac gluten sensitivity" is the recommended umbrella term for conditions where symptoms different from celiac disease result from ingestion of gluten.[52] As of 2013, it is uncertain whether there is a significant portion of the public which suffers from some gluten-related disorder and would benefit from following a gluten-free diet, but nevertheless significant demand had developed for it in the United States and numerous foods were being marketed as gluten-free.[53]
In addition, some parents have been led to believe that a gluten-free diet could have an effect in treating autism, although evidence of the diet's efficacy as an autism treatment is poor.[54] Despite vigorous marketing, a variety of studies, including a study by the University of Rochester, found that the popular autism diet does not demonstrate behavioral improvement and fails to show any genuine benefit to children diagnosed with autism who do not also have a known digestive condition which benefits from a gluten-free diet.[55]

Deficiencies linked to maintaining a gluten-free diet

Many gluten-free products are not fortified or enriched by such nutrients as folate, iron, and fiber as traditional breads and cereals have been during the last century.[56] Additionally, because gluten-free products are not always available, many Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy (GSE) patients do not consume the recommended number of grain servings per day. People who change their standard gluten-free diet to implement gluten-free oats at breakfast, high fiber brown rice bread at lunch, and quinoa as a side at dinner have been found to have significant increases in protein (20.6 g versus 11 g), iron (18.4 mg versus 1.4 mg), calcium (182 mg versus 0 mg), and fiber (12.7 g versus 5 g). The B vitamin group did not have significant increases, but were still found to have improved values of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate.[57] These dietary changes can greatly reduce a GSE patient's risk for anemia (especially Iron Deficiency Anemia) and low blood calcium levels or poor bone health.
Oats can increase intakes of vitamin B1, magnesium, and zinc in celiac disease patients in remission








在自然界中,生物类黄酮所含有的维生素P常常与维生素C共存,防止维生素C被氧化而受到破坏,增强维生素C的效果。 在它的“保护”下,机体不会无故消耗维生素C。人体一旦出现坏血病,则被认为是这两种维生素共同缺乏的结果,因此,临床上目前正在运用维生素P防治某些因 毛细血管通透性增强而引起的疾病。除了临床医学研究领域外,现今生物类黄铜含有的维生素p成分也广泛应用于护肤品原液化妆品领域中。
1. 具有清除自由基、抗氧化作用。
2. 抗血栓、保护心脑血管作用抗肿瘤、消炎抑菌作用。
3. 解除醇中毒、保肝护肝等多种功效。
黄酮类化合物能增强机体的非特异免疫功能和体液免疫功能。如大豆异黄酮对实验性小鼠的巨噬细胞功能、脾重均提高;使脾脏生成IgM作用增强,外周血淋巴细胞含量增加;增强T细胞、NK细胞和K 细胞的功能;还有助于提高体液免疫,增强B细胞介导的免疫反应;对体液免疫过程中致敏B淋巴细胞的形成和抗体的产生都有促进作用。
更年期妇女综合症是由于妇女绝经后卵巢分泌雌性激素减少所致。由于雌激素水平的下降,这一阶段的妇女会出现很多不适症状,大多属于交感神经系统的 变化,如面部潮红、心悸、多汗、多疑、烦躁等现象。黄酮类化合物虽然在体内的生物活性只有内源性雌激素的10-3~10-5倍,但其有巨大的浓度优势,可 达内源性雌激素的103倍,恰当地使用,既能减轻上述的更年期症状,又不会出现由于长期进行性激素治疗导致子宫和乳腺发生病变的潜在危险。
黄酮类化合物中的抗菌成分较多,对细菌有广泛性的抑制。有报道称,0.005%游离的异黄酮即可抑制真菌的活性,随 着其浓度的增加,抑菌活性还在不断增强,但浓度超过0.1%后,浓度增加不再有显著的增效作用。黄酮单体类化合物licochaione A最低浓度为0.3μg/kg时,体外对革兰氏阳性菌、 杆菌、棒形菌有明显的抑制作用。大豆异黄酮还具有在胃肠道内杀灭病原微生物的作用,并可刺激人体的免疫系统,以保护身体抵御致病病原体的侵袭。染料木黄酮 具有可抑制DNA裂合酶(TOPO II)的作用,还有温和的抗炎作用。木犀草素对H suis 有很强的抑制作用,浓度在1:3500时可抑制葡萄球菌和枯草杆菌的生长,对卡他、白色念珠、变形菌也有抑制作用;花青素类中的飞燕草素有很强的抗养化与 抗炎作用,可抑制头皮生理性皮脂分泌过度及后发的病菌感染;茶多酚类能抗炎抗口腔微生物作用,可有效防止龋齿发生。柑橘类黄酮中如槲皮素、洋姜荽苷等也有 抗炎活性,并且效果与剂量相关;其主要机理在于影响花生酸代谢以及抑制组胺释出;洋姜荽苷(Diosmin) 作为一种抗发炎的强保护剂能显著地减少水肿的形成,如:静脉注射洋姜荽苷可降低鼠由注射四氧嘧啶诱导的痛觉过敏。
黄酮类化合物的抗菌抗病毒作用已经得到医学界的肯定。已有报道称,桑色素、山奈酚等有抑菌和抗病毒作用;黄酮类化合 物kievieine 在极低低浓度时,就对有人体致病革兰氏阳性菌有较强的抑制作用;cirsiliol、naingin、3’,4’-二乙酸基-5,6,7-三甲氧基黄酮等 可用来治疗传染病,特别对滤过性病毒如:HCV、HIV,或寄生虫如:弓浆虫等引起的感染有治疗作用。已有研究表明,3-O-甲基槲皮素具有抑制局对灰质 炎病毒的作用;槲皮素可弱化疱疹病毒、脊髓灰质炎病毒、流感病毒和呼吸合胞病毒的感染和复制能力;黄芩甙元、 木樨曹素、槲皮素、槲皮万寿菊素、杨梅黄酮、木樨草素-7-葡萄糖苷等8种类黄酮化合物具有抑制HIV病毒逆转录酶活性从而抑制HIV繁殖的作 用;1,4-甘草查耳酮、甘草异黄酮、Licochalcone及Glycycoumarin有抑制HIV增殖的作用;从连翘中分离出来的金丝桃素在实验 室可明显抑制HIV成熟过程的最后步骤。其主要机理是由于抑制了溶酶体H+-ATP酶和磷酸酯酶A2脱壳作用,影响病毒转移基因的磷酸化,从而抑制病毒和RNA的合成。




目 前认为,癌症的发生至少分为3个阶段,即:启动阶段(initiation)、促进阶段(promotion)和发展阶段(progression)。由 于黄酮类化合物的抗氧化活性和吸收UV光的能力,它们对致癌过程的这三个阶段都有阻抑作用。黄酮类化合物属于酚类物质,可熬合金属离子,从而有效抑制由痕 量金属离子参与催化的脂质过氧化过程;同时,黄酮类物质作为抗氧化剂和自由基淬灭剂,能够有效地阻止脂质过氧化引起的细胞破坏,可以防止细胞损伤和,起到 防癌抑癌的作用[17]。
黄酮类化合物的抗突变效果也是很显著的。由于黄酮类化合物的结构特点上的特殊之处,它可以吸收紫外光线,于是它们可以保护细胞DNA免 受UV引起的损伤[17]。茶多酚也具有抗突变及抗癌作用〔9〕。类黄酮还能熄灭DNA临近产生的自由基。另有研究显示,类黄酮的这种自由基熄灭作用在其 γ-射线照射的保护效果中起主要作用;有也已被证明可保护鼠微核网状细胞免受Δ-射线的损伤,它们包括槲皮素、椹非醇、芦丁、圣草酚 (eriodictyol)以及木樨黄素(luteolin)。还有人发现,含有经过磺化黄酮或黄烷酮的药物、化妆品可以保护皮肤不受紫外线辐射的影响,防止皮肤癌的发生[11]。
此外,生物类黄酮[1]还能够 减轻甚至消除一些化学致癌物的致癌毒性,如:山奈素和芦丁可有效抑制黄曲霉毒素B1的致癌性;饲喂含有5%槲皮素(quercetin)的饲料可使 DMBAS(7,12-二甲基苯蒽)诱发的小鼠乳腺癌几率降低48%;槲皮素还可以抑制氧化偶氮醇诱发的大鼠直肠癌的发生[17]。
有关使用剂量方面的报道还不一致。在对于“法国奇异”现象的调查中显示[7],每天摄入黄酮类化合物达到19mg以上的人的癌症死 亡率和日摄入量在19mg以下的相比,较少了75%;另从免疫学角度研究,黄酮摄入量从2.6mg/d~68.2mg/d的人群,其癌症死亡率与摄入量无 关;即使摄入2.6mg/d就能够表现出活性。目前存在个别认识尚不一致,有的地方结论甚至还是相反的,如同样是在痕量的水平上,有些黄酮类化合物在体外 实验中显示出具有诱导和促进癌症发生的作用;在体内实验中却是良好的癌症预防剂。





拥 有约80%~85%左右的OPC(oligomeric proanthocyanidins),OPC是一种前花青素,被归类为生物类黄酮的一族,前花青素最主要功能是其抗氧化的能力,稳定胶原质 (collagen),维持弹力素(elastin)。胶原质、弹力素是两种相当重要的蛋白质,与组织间的连接、血管和肌肉有密切的关系。OPC能顺利进 入血脑障壁,撷取脑部产生的自由基,因能预防脑部退化引起的疾病,如中风。所以OPC是强力的血管守护者,协助维护人体的循环系统,目前广泛的应用在用在 心脏病病的预防与高血压的治疗上。


蜂 胶中所含有的各种成分中,丰富多辆的类黄酮是一大特征,蜂胶中的生物类黄酮约可细分为20-30种,有强化细胞膜的作用,是细胞全体功能活性化,让细菌, 病毒难以浸入,防止传染病感染,抑制恶性酵素,防止致癌物质形成,及促进胶原蛋白的合成,对糖尿病,坏血病,高血压循环器官障碍灯都很有效。 其分可阻止会引起过敏症状之阻止氨游离,预防支气管收缩,皮肤发疹及过敏疾病的发生,具有让神经组织的副交感神经放松,有抗压作用,对于因压力引起的肠胃 溃疡,神经性疾病有效,还有抗菌,促进伤口愈合和抗炎症等功效。




生 物类黄酮:可调节血脂,降低血液粘稠度,改善血清脂质,延长红细胞寿命并增强造血功能,预防心脑血管疾病;抑制HL-60白血病细胞生长和溶解癌细胞的作 用;能够有效清除体内的自由基(Free Reaical)及毒素,预防、减少疾病的发生;消炎、抗过敏、广谱抗菌、抗病毒作用。

PFL的意思是蜂胶生物类黄酮等级。科学家们可以为我们解释类黄酮(生物类黄酮)的相关信息。 蜂胶内的生物类黄酮具有抗菌性,抗滤过性病原体性和杀菌性。但是并不是所有的蜂胶都具有这么高含量的生物类黄酮。这也就正好解释了困惑很多使用蜂胶产品的人的问题:有效的蜂胶产品并不是看它的浓度,而是要看它的产地。很多产品都注明蜂胶含量,其实这并不能代表生物类黄酮的含量。PFL可以准确地表示出每克蜂胶内所含有的生物类黄酮的克数。PFL越高证明生物类黄酮的含量越高,对您的健康就越有好处。

  • Once known as "Vitamin P" and semi-essential nutrients
  • 4000 flavonoid compounds have been characterized and classified
  • Group of plant pigments that are largely responsible for colors of many fruits and flowers
  • Useful in treatment and prevention of many health conditions
Four categories:
  • PCO (Proanthocyanidins)
  • most potent PCOs are those bound to other PCOs
  • exist in many plants and red wine
  • commercially available sources are from grape seeds and bark from the maritime pine
  • Quercetin
  • serves as backbone for other flavonoids such as citrus flavonoids: rutin, quercitrin, hesperidin
  • these derivatives have sugar molecules attached to the backbone
  • most active of the flavonoids
  • Citrus bioflavonoids
  • include rutin, quercitrin, hesperidin, naringin
  • standardized mixture of rutinosides known as hydroxyethylrutosides (HER)
  • clinical results have been obtained in treatment of capillary permeability, easy bruising, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins
  • Green Tea Polyphenols
  • derived from tea plant camellia sinensis
  • produced by steaming the fresh cut leaf
  • polyphenol indicates presence of phenolic ring in the chemical structure
  • polyphenols = flavonoids
  • polyphenols in green tea: catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate, and proanthocyanidins
  • epigallocatechin gallate = most significant active compound

Dietary Sources
  • Citrus fruits
  • Berries
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Legumes
  • Green Tea
  • Red Wine
Average Daily Intake = 150-200 mg

Beneficial Effects
  • referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers" - modify body's reaction to compounds such as allergens, viruses, and carcinogens
  • powerful antioxidants by giving protection versus oxidative and free radical damage
  • prevents formation of oxidized cholesterol through antioxidant effects
  • greater antioxidant effects than Vitamins C, E, Selenium, and Zinc
  • increase intracellular Vitamin C levels
  • decrease capillary permeability and fragility
  • scavenge oxidants and free radicals
  • inhibit destruction of collagen
  • crosslinks collagen fibers to reinforce the natural crosslinking
  • prevents free radical damage
  • inhibits enzymatic cleavage of collagen by enzymes secreted by leukocytes in inflammation and microbes in infections
  • prevents release and synthesis and compounds that promote inflammation and allergies (histamines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes)
  • antioxidant effects are beneficial in:
  • aging process
  • chronic degenerative diseases (heart disease, arthritis, and cancer)
  • fat and cholesterol oxidation
  • antioxidants are produced by:
  • inhibiting xanthine oxidase noncompetitively(oxygen free radicals)
  • on the cellular level: PCOs are incorporated into the cell membranes along with the antioxidant effects offer great protection to cells against free radical damage.
  • anti-inflammatory activity due to inhibition of initial processes of inflammation
  • inhibits manufacture and release of histamine
  • potent antioxidant activity and Vitamin C sparing action
  • beneficial effects for diabetics
  • helps prevent diabetic cataracts, and retinopathy
  • enhances insulin secretion
  • protects pancreatic beta cells from free radical damage
  • antiviral activity
  • activity vs. herpes virus type 1, parainfluenzae3, polio virus type 1, and respiratory syncytial virus
  • in vivo, inhibits viral infection
  • may be of some benefit in the common cold
Citrus Bioflavonoids
  • antioxidant effects
  • increase intracellular Vitamin C, rutin, hesperidin, and HER
  • beneficial effects on capillary permeability and blood flow like PCOs
  • anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory effects like quercetin
Green Tea Polyphenols
  • potent antioxidant effects
  • increase activity of antioxidant enzymes in the small intestines, liver, lungs, and small bowel
  • inhibit formation of cancer causing compounds like nitrosamines in vitro
  • suppressing activation of carcinogens
  • trapping cancer causing agents
  • forms of cancer that green tea prevents best:
  1. cancers of GI tract (stomach, small intestine, pancreas, colon)
  2. cancer of the lungs
  3. estrogen related cancers (inhibits estrogen interaction with its receptor)
  • consumption of green tea with meals inhibits formation of nitrosamines (nitrites combined with amino acids)
Principle Uses
  • Treatment of venous and capillary disorders
  • venous insufficiency
  • varicose veins
  • capillary fragility
  • Diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration
  • Prevention of heart disease and strokes
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • Shrinks size of cholesterol deposits in the artery
  • Inhibits platelet aggregation and vascular constriction
  • In vitro, helps virtually all inflammatory and allergic conditions
  1. asthma
  2. hay fever
  3. rheumatoid arthritis
  4. lupus
  • Beneficial in diabetes and cancer
Citrus Bioflavonoids
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Improve microvascular blood flow and clinical symptoms (pain, tired legs, night cramps, and restless legs)
  • Improve venous function
  • Relieve hemorrhoidal signs and symptoms in pregnant women
Green Tea Polyphenols
  • Used principally to prevent cancer

Available Forms
  • Grape seed extract (92%-95%) and pine bark extract (80%-85%)
  • Used interchangeably, but grape seed extract is preferred
  • Grape seed extract is considered more potent and more effective than pine bark extract because only grape seed extract has gallic esters of proanthocyanidins which are the most active free radical scavenging PCOs
  • Available in powder and capsule forms
  • For anti-inflammatory effects, combination of Bromelain (pineapple enzyme) may provide additional benefit by enhancing absorption of quercetin
  • Amount of Bromelain should equal quercetin
Citrus Bioflavonoids
  • Mixed preparations are most widely used
  • Least active and quantified source of flavonoids
Green Tea Polyphenols
  • Commercial preparations that have been decaffeinated and concentrated for polyphenols (60%-80%)
  • 1 cup = 300-400 mg of polyphenols
  • Downside = this dose also contains 50-100 mg of caffeine

Dosage Ranges
  • Preventive and antioxidant=50 mg/day of grape seed extract or pine bark extract
  • Therapeutic purposes dose=150-300 mg/day of either extract
  • 200-400 mg taken 20 minutes before meals three times a day
Citrus Bioflavonoids
  • 2000-6000 mg/day
Green Tea Polyphenols
  • For green tea extract standardized for 80% polyphenols and 55 % epigallocatechin gallate, the dose=300-400 mg/day
*Look for level of epigallocatechin gallate and total content of polyphenol

Safety Issues
  • safe, no toxicities, no side effects
  • Well-tolerated in humans
  • no side effects when taken in large quantities for long periods of time
  • safe for use in pregnancy
  • allergic reaction may occur-uncommon, but should result in discontinuation of product
Citrus Bioflavonoids
  • extremely safe
  • no side effects
  • safe in pregnancy
Green Tea Polyphenols
  • no side effects or toxicities
  • if product contains caffeine, overconsumption may result in a stimulant effect
  • Do not interact with any drugs
  • citrus bioflavonoids containing naringin may interact with drugs
  1. naringin is found in grapefruit juice
  2. can increase oral bioavailability of drugs like nifedipine, felodipine, verapamil, and terfenadine
  3. inhibits breakdown of various drugs including: caffeine, coumarins, and estrogens
  • Vitamin C-Bioflavonoids may enhance the effects of vitamin C